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Come back soon to find out what’s happening at HOMES UK 2019.

Mears Theatre One
Kier Theatre Two
Innovation Theatre
Higgins Regeneration Theatre
Fusion21 Procurement with Purpose
Knowledge Centre
NLG Theatre
NSG Theatre


Fusion21 Procurement with Purpose
Higgins Regeneration Theatre
Innovation Theatre
Kier Theatre Two
Knowledge Centre
Mears Theatre One
NLG Theatre

Aileen Evans
Alan Yates
Alice Lester
Amy Nettleton
Andrea Purslow
Andrew Carpenter
Andrew Dallen
Andrew Little
Andrew Morrison
Andy Adger
Andy Belton
Andy D Smith
Andy Tookey
Barbara Brownlee
Barbara Colgrave
Barry Mortimer
Ben Carpenter
Ben Denton
Ben Derbyshire
Boris Worrall
Brent O’Halloran
Brian Reynolds
Carl Brazier
Carol Bailey
Catherine Webster
Cem Savas
Chan Kataria OBE
Charlotte Cook
Charlotte Large
Chloe Stothart
Chris Miller
Christine Gausden RD FCIOB
Christine Murray
Christine Whitehead
Claire Curtis-Thomas
Claire Heyes
Claire Kershaw
Cllr Darren Rodwell
Cllr Kim Caddy
Councillor John Fuller
Councillor Peter John OBE
Councillor Tim Young
Damion Rothner
Dan Gray
Daniel Bridge
David Butler
David Cowans
David Done
David Lunts
David Mawson
Debra Yudolph
Dennis Seal
Dianne Williams
Dr John Beckford
Dr John Sturzaker
Dr Shaun Lundy
Eamon McGoldrick
Emma Maier
Eric Hodges
Etienne de Klerk
Fiona MacGregor
Francesca Berriman MBE
Francesca Findlater
Freddie Wonnacott
Gareth Swarbrick
Gary Pemberton
Geoff Pearce
Graeme Craig
Graham Gowland
Graham Sibley
Harry Swales
Heather Cheesbrough
Helen Collins
Helen Fisher
Helen Hastle
Holly Porter
Ian Bamforth
Ian Gregg
Ian Matthews
Jackie Jacob
James Murray
James Palmer
Jan Taranczuk
Jayne Traverse
Jeffrey Joseph
Jen Dudley
Jennie Daly
Jenny Buterchi
Jenny Osbourne
Jeremy Kape
Jeremy Porteus
Jillie Smithies
Joanna Bacon
John Anderson
John Buckland
John Milner
John Wallace
Jon Johnson
Jonny Elliot
Josephine O'Connor
Katie Saunders
Kaye Stout
Kelly McCabe
Kit Malthouse MP
Kush Rawal
Lauren Marshall
Lee Woods
Liz Hamson
Lord Matthew Taylor of Goss Moor
Lord Porter of Spalding CBE
Lucian Cook
Luke Murphy
Marc Vlessing
Marcelle Porteous
Mareike Schmidt
Margaux Mallett
Mark Astbury
Mark Chadwick
Mark Duffy
Mark Everard
Mark Harrod
Mark Lowe
Mark Washer
Martin Hilditch
Mary Parsons
Matthew Bailes
Matthew carpen
Matthew Gardiner
Michael Cleaver
Michael Larkin
Michael Voges
Michela Hancock
Nicholas KISSEN
Nigel Hall
Nigel Ostime
Nik Turner
Oliver Mooney
Pat Ritchie
Patricia Brown
Paul Augarde
Paul Hackett
Paul Mooney MSc ACABE
Paul Quinn
Peter Apps
Peter Wilson
Phil Pemberton
Phil Woodhead
Philip Glanville
Professor Sadie Morgan
Professor Tony Crook CBE
Rachael Atkin
Rachael Hickman
Rachel Griffin
Rebecca Lewis
Rebecca Rees
Richard Donnell
Richard Hughes
Richard Medley
Richard Whittaker
Rita Patel-Miller
Robert Clark
Robert Grundy
Robert McDonnell
Robin Cooper
Rod Cahill
Roy Grant
Roy Irwin
Sam Webb
Sandip Shergill
Sarah Beale
Sarah Cary
Sarah Weir OBE
Sarah Wigglesworth
Scott Baxendale
Scott Sanderson
Seán Cullen
Shaun Aldis
Shelagh Grant
Shifa Mustafa
Simon Bayliss
Simon Theobald
Sir David Chipperfield CBE
Sir Robin Wales
Steve Kirk
Steve Leakey
Steve Partridge
Stuart Ropke
Sue Smith MBE
Suzanne Benson
Ted Pearce
Tim Barber-Lomax
Tim Day
Tom Kenny
Tom Lipinski
Tracey Coleman
Trevor Batt
Val Bagnall
Victoria Hills
Victoria Whenray RIBA ARB

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Kier Theatre TwoBack to Conference programme 2018

Build to rent for the social housing sector

Thu 29-Nov-2018 10:00 - 10:45
David   Butler David ButlerChief executiveUK Apartment Association (UKAA)
Liz   Hamson Liz HamsonEditorProperty Week
Debra   Yudolph Debra YudolphPartnerSAY Property Consulting
Rebecca   Lewis Rebecca LewisInvestment managerMorgan Sindall
Sponsored by
Kier theatre sponsor

The session examines how build-to-rent can work for housing providers and residents. The NPPF recommends 20% of properties in a BTR development should be priced at 20% below market value. It also promotes tenure blind developments. The panel will discuss the practicalities of realising these recommendations and explore the wider question of what affordable rent is. The panel will also explore the opportunities of investment in BTR development.

© 2021 HOMES UK - OCEAN MEDIA GROUP LIMITED, Suite 6.04, Exchange Tower, 6th Floor 1 Harbour Exchange Square, LONDON E14 9GE | TEL: 020 7772 8407

© HOMES UK - OCEAN MEDIA GROUP LIMITED, Suite 6.04, Exchange Tower, 6th Floor 1 Harbour Exchange Square, LONDON E14 9GE | TEL: 020 7772 8407