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Exhibition and sponsorship opportunities

HOMES UK co-located with Unlock Net Zero Live is the largest gathering of asset management, development and sustainability professionals under one roof.

Over 4,500 housing professionals will attend to discuss essential topics such as building quality and safety, sustainability, affordability, procurement, tenant and resident engagement and more. 


Ensure you are at the heart of the conversation, meeting new and existing clients to discuss how you can support their business objectives. 


To enquire about exhibiting or sponsorship please contact the team here >>

Why exhibit?

  • Be part of the £104bn retrofit challenge for the affordable housing sector

  • Outline your business solutions to development teams responsible for 44,000 new homes built over the past year

  • Build face to face business contacts with 97% of London’s Councils

  • Engage with the housing associations who spent £7.7bn on repairs and maintenance last year

  • Supercharge your brand awareness in our extensive marketing campaign reaching 80,000 net zero professionals

  • 100% G15 attendance

  • 82% of attendees are senior decision makers or influencers

  • Over 60% of attendees are looking to make new connections*

  • Exhibitors meet approximately 85 people on their stand*

  • Exhibitors expect to generate over £140k over the next 12 months as a result of exhibiting at the event*

*Post event research by Fusion Insight & Strategy

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Who will you meet?


HOMES UK co-located with Unlock Net Zero Live is a rare opportunity to meet thousands of senior decision-makers from across the housing sector. With a whopping 6 million homes owned by the social housing landlords attending, and a third of our audience not attending any other industry event, it is the best possible opportunity to meet your market over two days.


Only by attending HOMES UK co-located with Unlock Net Zero Live can you do business with thousands of sector professionals who do not attend any other industry event. #bettertogether #ukhousing #collaboration #joinus


Who will you meet graphic

Copy of Who will you meet graphic


Social housing in numbers – the market you reach through HOMES UK and Unlock Net Zero Live


Landlords whose repair and maintenance spend went up 20% in past year £5.4bn - £6.5bn

Top 50 biggest housing associations who built over 40,000 new homes (up 16% YOY) with an investment of £7.4bn

Cost to retrofit social homes in the UK was estimated at £104bn at the end of 2020

£90bn of private investment in social housing

  • Total capital commitments of approx. £38bn by registered providers (UK’s largest 185 associations)
  • Registered providers (RPs)
    • Approx 1,600 RPs in the UK
    • Approx 142,000 full-time employees (UK’s largest 185 RPs)
    • Approx 3.2m units of housing stock owned by RPs (Great Britain)
    • Circa £202bn total assets for UK’s 184 largest RPs by category
  • Local authorities
    • Approx 250 local authorities who are housing providers (Great Britain)
    • Approx 2.8m units of housing stock owned by LAs (Great Britain)
    • Circa £95bn total assets owned by 163 English LAs with housing revenue accounts (2020)
      2021 unless stated.

Why do Mears Group keep investing in HOMES UK?

Why do Mears Group keep investing in HOMES UK?


We spoke to Gary Jackson, Mears’ Group Director of Communications and Customer Success, to find out what keeps them coming back – and to ask for his thoughts on how other exhibitors and sponsors can make the most of their visit.


Read the full interview here >>

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*HOMES UK and Unlock Net Zero Live is free to housing associations, local authorities, public sector, housebuilders, master developers, funders, architects, planners and BTR landlords, student accommodation, retirement living and extra-care providers. Fees will apply to other commercial organisations.

© 2025 HOMES UK - OCEAN MEDIA GROUP LIMITED, Suite 6.04, Exchange Tower, 6th Floor 1 Harbour Exchange Square, LONDON E14 9GE | TEL: 020 7772 8407